Tristan und Isolde
San Francisco Chronicle
Joshua Kosman
"Song’s Isolde was marked by capacious vocal power and expressive intimacy, especially during the extended love duet of Act 2."
" soprano Juyeon Song and tenor Roy Cornelius Smith blazing forth in the title roles, this was an entirely unexpected delight."
Тristan und Isolde
San Francisco Classical Voice
Janos Gereben
"above all, singing Isolde, which she did with unflagging energy throughout the incredibly demanding vocal marathon."
Tristan und Isolde
"Isolde is a big surprise: largely unknown Korean dramatic soprano Juyeon Song, a petite figure but what a voice! A vocal powerhouse with secure high notes; a strong and passionate Isolde. Just listen to her angry outbursts of indignation in the first act, the impatient longing when awaiting Tristan for their secret tryst, the sheer ecstasy of their first embrace and that wonderful love duet with waves of passion that never wants to end! "
San Francisco Classical Voice
By Janos Gereben, Oc tober 22, 2019
"This balance also figured prominently in the singing: beyond Song's power and high notes in portraying the evil Abigaille (an anti-hero presaging Verdi's Lady Macbeth), her most remarkable performance came with her quiet, sorrowful final aria, "Su me ... morente ... esanime" ("Me ... dying ... lifeless")."
Rai TV - Stabat Mater
“impeccabile l'esecuzione della solista Juyeon Song” (Flawless execution of the soloist Juyeon Song)
in their National News Broadcasting.
Korean Entertainment Newspaper
"This performance should signal the birth of the next great star"
by stage director Yuval Sharon from Aida, Berkeley Opera.
Independant Newspaper California
“Here we have the most visually believable Aida in memory…Her riveting performance in the Title role of Aida was proclaimed an emotional vocal performance that connected viscerally with the audiences as did her electrifying acting, from desperation to
S.A. SAO Independent
“Song as Madama Butterfly radiates more like a ray of sun than a Butterfly….““Song transmutates into pure personification of her name; adeptly nailing each of her musical lines with sensitivity to the dynamics of the orchestra”